Annual Membership Fee:
Adults are $75.00 each.
Age pensioner concession Holder are $65.00 each.
Family is $80.00 for 1 Adult and 1 Child.
Single Child/Student under 18 is $40.00.
For two children under 18 of the same family are $35 each and for three children under 18 of the same family are $30 each.

2 Free Lessons:
We offer your first 2 lessons free for any class of your choosing so you have a chance to check out our facilities and find out what courses you like and what talents you’d like to develop.

Once you become a member there is no need to book courses but is a requirement of class attendance that you become a member first. You are then free to attend however many classes you wish.

As a member you are entitled sell your art and crafts through our shops with the club taking a 20% commission.

We also ask that you volunteer during the year for club events, especially when you are selling your own pieces at our open days or other pop up shops. It is fun and rewarding to be part of our creative community.

We encourage you to check out our the Class Timetable and Tutors to choose some options that suit you. You still need to pay the tutor their fee on the day. Once you have attended your 2 free lessons you will need to commit to membership before attending further classes. 


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