China Painting

Jenny Johnson

  • Tuesday 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Beginners to experienced porcelain artists are all welcome join our group.

Support, techniques, and friendly critique are the basis of the conversation.

If you are new to painting on porcelain there is always someone to help you get started. A library of ideas and how to books is available; some paints and other materials can be supplied. Just bring a few brushes and a piece of porcelain and you will be on the way to painting your first art work.

Other than the Club membership cost we all contribute to a room fee which is normally about $12.00 (per school term) depending on numbers. A small fee is charged for firing of each piece.

Come along to meet the group and to find out more about the art.

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Become a New Member

Costs: Adults are $75.00 each. Age pensioner concession Holder are $65.00 each. Family is $80.00 for 1 Adult and 1 Child. Single Child/Student under 18 is $40.00. For two children under 18 of the same family are $35 each and for three children under 18 of the same family are $30 each.