About Us
If you found us then you’re crafty! At Liddelow Homestead Arts and Crafts Club we’re very crafty too!
We’re a creative community of arts and crafters, mornings, noon and nights 6 days a week.
We offer a variety of classes, in fact over 26 to choose from, more than most art centres.
Choose from traditional Patchwork Quilting, Wood Turning, numerous Pottery Classes, either wheel or hand building, Recycling and Up-cycling your unwanted envelopes, plastics or magazines into functional, useful, useable items again, Mosaics, Art/Painting, China Painting, Appliqué, Embroidery, Crocheting, Knitting, Children’s Pottery, we even have a few members that can spin a yarn (textile variety), something for everyone and everyone is welcome.

We have some of the most fantastically talented tutors, some whom are renowned artists in their own right having skills that Liddelow members can tap into, and some who are international artists in their field, some who have over 40 years of experience at Liddelow too.
Several have travelled Australia and far flung parts of the globe to hone their own skills as artists, they and are eager to share their knowledge in a supportive, friendly, club atmosphere that Liddelow offers.
Situated on a historic, heritage homestead site in Kenwick owned by the City of Gosnells, the club is run by volunteers and steered by a committee. We have classes in the old homestead itself and have spacious newer rammed earth building which boasts a dedicated pottery room.

You don’t need much to unearth that hidden talent and start making art or craft from the heart, enthusiasm is enough to get you started and ignite the creative streak within.
With one of our tutors to guide you in every class, along with members who will always have a tip or two, especially those members who have been at the Club since it’s first humble beginnings in1975, you can be on your way to your own very first personal creative piece in no time.
You’ll enjoy the benefits of membership, social connections and friendships and learn from the best while having so much fun.
So what are you waiting for….. come and join us at Liddelow Arts and Crafts Club and get crafting, we love crafty people!

The aims of the club-
- To promote, encourage and practice the arts and crafts.
- To hold lectures, demonstrations, workshops, classes and external activities for the club members and members of the community.
- To hold exhibitions and sales of work for members.
- To hold events for visiting crafts persons and artists.
- To supply equipment and facilities for members in terms of club activities.
- To affiliate with other groups to the mutual benefit of the club.

Office Bearers
Dave Barrett - President
Eric Moore - Vice President
Sandra Oram - Treasurer
Jenny Hamilton - Minute Secretary
Aaliyah Nickerson - Publicity Officer
Our Committee
Maya Rose Chauhan
Christine Douglas
Belinda Hart
Carolyn Warren Langford
Tracy Lyon
Geoff Rycroft - Administration
Eric Moore - Proof Reader
Patrons—Olwen Searle JP, Patricia Morris JP & Freeman of The City of Gosnells.
Become a New Member
Costs: Adults are $75.00 each. Age pensioner concession Holder are $65.00 each. Family is $80.00 for 1 Adult and 1 Child. Single Child/Student under 18 is $40.00. For two children under 18 of the same family are $35 each and for three children under 18 of the same family are $30 each.

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